A New Era of Security
- Automate CCTV Surveillance
- For Proactive Mobile Alerts
- In near real time.
It’s like –
“Your WatchMan who never sleeps!”
Camera Man-Handling
Detects and alerts if a CCTV Camera is man-handled.
Star faces and prevent the deletion of their alerts.
Ambient Light Toggles
Detects untimely ambience changes & alerts you.
Motion Detection
Detects motion if needed and alerts you.
Security Audits
Our processed data audits help you build security reputation. Not a standalone CCTV system.
Helps Criminal Investigation
Eyeballing tons of CCTV data is cumbersome. Our magnet picks all your pins from the haystack.
Power / Connectivity Loss
Detects and alerts on power or connectivity loss.
Mark faces as favorites and suppress their alerts.
Low Visibility
Detects low light situations and alerts you.
Perimeter Breach
Detects drawn perimeter breach & alerts you.
Secure Cloud
Only you can access your data.
Timeline View
A timeline view that helps you understand the trends and how your security situation is evolving.
Face Detection
face Detection and storing for humans.
Mark faces as suspicious and prioritize their alerts.
Blurred Lens
Detects miscreants’ camera occlusions & alerts you.
Video Summaries
Regular / on-demand video summaries for you.
Live View
“Wow features! But I still want to see first hand what’s up at my place.”
Video Analytics
Dashboard to help you view the bigger picture.
Digital WatchMan
Your WatchMan who never sleeps!
Security Solutions & AI Services
We provide Security Solutions and AI services for your requirements. Bring us anything that you think can be solved using:
- Computer Vision (CV)
- Image Processing (IP)
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) or
- Deep Learning (DL)
and we”ll do it for you.Too much jargon? How about anything you think can be solved with:
- Images
- Videos
- Cameras or
- CCTVs?
We’ll do it for you!
A security framework you had always wished!
A standalone CCTV system is not a deterrent anymore. You watch or hear news everyday that some crime was recorded live in CCTV but went on uninterrupted as none is eyeballing the CCTVs 24×7.
Digital WatchMan is an AI that eyeballs yoiur CCTVs 24×7 and alerts relevant personnel in near real time of any undesireable incident. The onus to take action on these alerts then lies with the accountable personnel. If no action was taken in response to an alert, liability can be fixed.
What We Offer
We have successfully delivered projects for our clients in the fields of Medical Imaging, Consumer Branding, Surveillance Automation, Industrial Quality Inspection, Public Infrastructure Surveys, ADAS (Self-Driving Cars), EdTech Course Creation, Document Data Extaction, Data Enrichment, Valuation Engines, Complex Object (cars) Features Detection, etc.
Security Video Analytics
Real time video analytics of your live video streams or recorded videos regardless of your CCTV brand or vendor.
Security Services
Secure cloud storage of your confidential processed data and alerts. App first approach so you don’t miss any alert.
Security Solutions
End to end integration of your preinstalled CCTVs with our AI is taken care of.
Our Approach to Security and Solutions
We are known for solving complex, sticky and seemingly impossible to solve problems using Computer Vision, NLP and Deep Learning.
We conduct a keen study of the acquired data, apply a first principles approach combined with our data driven and gut instinct and bring you a fast and accurate solution at the most reasonable cost. Our drive is to automate everything automatable using Computer Vision.
Transport Application & Infrastructure Surveys
We conducted a Transport application and Public Infrastructure Survey for Pune Municipal Corporation using Computer Vision amd Deep Learning!
Industrial Quality Inspection
We delivered a Quality Assurance project: Automatic Hot-pipes Inspection using endoscopic cameras for Sandvik Asia!
Customer Testimonials:
Real Stories, Real Satisfaction
“When the Pune Municipal Corporation contracted us to conduct two road surveys for BRTS construction, we were in a bind as we had just 2 months to submit the report. Since everything in urban town planning is based on numbers, we could not afford inaccuracies.
It was then that StomatoBot conducted the automated Computer Vision based survey for us in record time, actually half time with >95% accuracy. Based on StomatoBot’s reports, Pune Municipal Corporation took up the construction of roads and allied public infrastruture.”
– May, 2016
“StomatoBot Technologies Pvt Ltd worked with Sandvik Asia for solving some of the critical problems involved in our Computer Vision systems.
The interest of the people at StomatoBot to understand the problem and their curiosity for finding a solution were much above than our expectations. Their ground work and the way of approach to solve our problems were unique.
Efforts taken by them to solve our problems, which were not of their expertise, also need a special mention. They have worked and solved problems which were out of their comfort zone as per our company’s requirement.
More over, StomatoBot has been continuously supporting and contributing to our Computer Vision system development, which cannot be underestimated!”
– 2018
“Thanks for reaching out for the feedback. We asked your (StomatoBot) team back in 2020 to develop an Android application (app) which can record the (video of) users’ faces while using (in sync with screen recording) their mobile phone.
It (the Android App developed by StomatoBot) was very helpful as using these recordings from the app further helped us to do analysis on different use-cases (like internal surveys of an eCommerce app) along with CMI (Consumer Market Insights-Unilever) team.”
Our Clients so far
Companies and Organizations whom we had the privilege to serve
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Contact Us
(+91) 820-841-6969
24x7x365 on Whatsapp.
Send us a Hi STB on WhatsApp
We have an "Open DM" on Twitter.
Send us a Hi @StomatoBot1
Ask (@) StomatoBot (.) com
Made with Grit in Pune, India
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